Wednesday, June 15, 2011

LP Phrom Wat Chongkae (Nakhon Sawan)

The Place Of Birth

LPhaw Phrom Thawaro was born on Thursday, 12 April BE2426 ( AD 1883 )during the year of Goat in Tambon Bahn Praek Ampher Maharaj Changwat Nakorn Syee Ayutthaya. He was the son of Mr Mhi and Mrs Lorm Gosak Lang,had 2 sisters and 1 brother who is Mrs Loi, Mrs Chab and Mr Pliw.


When LPhaw Phrom was still young, he learned to read and write together with monks in the temple near his home.Since before ordination as soon as he was able to read and write LPhaw Phrom studied Khmer characters to coordinate with Thai language therefore should have enough knowledge in Khmer characters.


When LPhaw Phrom reached the age of ordination, he was ordinated at Wat Khien Lai, Tambon Bahn Praek.Ampher Bahn Praek.Changwat Ayutthaya on 15 March BE2447 ( AD1904 ). He was given the Dhamma name "Thawaro". LPhaw Phrom studied under LPhaw Pom Ya Wat Khien Lai who was his Upaca (Preceptor) and studied Khmer language till he gained proficiency and began practicing Vippasana Kammathan.

The Teacher Of Occultism And Gatha Arkhom

LPhaw Phrom used to narrate to his close disciples about starting to study occultism or black magic and Gatha Arkhom from Ajahn Puang who is a layman after his ordination. He then learned Asubha Kammathan,Samatha kammathan and Vippasana from LPhaw Dam who is a monk though the temple is not known.

In the fifth Pansa or rain retreat,Ajahn Puang who is LPhaw Phrom first Ajahn entrusted him to Ajahn Phoo Worn who is also a layman, to learn the skill of various sub-division for 5 full years until Ajahn Phoo Worn passed away.

Later, LPhaw Phrom took the bone of Ajahn Phoo Worn and kept it in Wat Chong Kae. From then onwards, LPhaw did not learn under any Ajahn directly again. However, he did exchange knowledge and skills with Ajahn’s of senior batches and those of the same batch during Tudong such as LPhaw Derm Wat Nong Pho.

Many people are not certain about the lineages and the origins of the Ajahn’s of LPhaw Phrom.

LPhaw used to tell his close disciples that Ajahn Puang is the disciple of LPhoo Mah Wat Bahn Muang who is from the lineage of, the teacher of Somdej Phra Jhow Thaksin Maha Raj and Phra Bard Somdej Puttha Yord Fa Ju Lok.

As for Ajahn Phoo Worn (a layman), he is the disciple of LPhoo Nin Wat Geow Pah Sak Petchaboon, LPhoo Saeng Wat Manee Cholkan Lopbhuri and Ajahn Peng whom is also another layman. All these 3 Ajahns are as close as brothers and LPhoo Saeng is the teacher of Somdej Phra Puttha Jahn Toh Wat Rakang.

Dhutanga Travel Until Myanmar

Dhutanga is a set of 13 specialized ascetic practice.

LPhaw Phrom’s tudong travels covered a vast area and consisted of places near and far.He will start traveling after the existing Pansa in order to gain experience. LPhaw Phrom used to travel together with LPhaw Derm Wat Nong Pho which gave rise to the misunderstanding that he is the disciple of LPhaw Derm. LPhaw Phrom used to travel to Myanmar (known previously as Burma) till he arrived at the capital Rangoon and gain the opportunity to pay homage to Phra Jedi Chart Way Da Gorng.After that,he continue his journey to Changwat Kanchanaburi and passed by the 3 Jedi's there.

During his travel, he will have to pass through dense forest, jungles and mountain ranges. He will encounter poisonous snakes, dangerous animals and blood sucking leeches. Although he has the skills to protect himself, he is always mindful of not troubling, intruding and obstructing the bigger animals this is what LPhaw will chose to do together sitting in recollection on the virtue of the Buddha. He then cast the Gatha for,"Gam Paeng Geow Jed Chan."-"The 7 Storey Glass Wall"to encircle the place for protection.

LPhaw narrated when pull off the encirclement in order to continue travel must not forget to recite Gatha to take out,"Gam Paeng Keow Jed Chan"if not the animal in the forest may be bewitched to enter and will be harmful until dead then it will be a sin.

LPhaw Phrom tudong travel in Myanmar ought to be long enough therefore make a short cut out along the river various route passed by a passage in Changwat Tak.

Travelling at random until arrived Chongkae mountain Tambon Phrom Nitmit Ampher Takhlee Changwat Nakorn Sawan.

A heavy rain ocurred and LPhaw had to hide himself in a small cave above the Chong Kae mountain.

Later,LPhaw narrated this mountain is a place for seclusion suitable to practice Dhamma so started to plant tree of faith at Chong Kae mountain.

Building Wat Chongkae

Whille LPhaw Phrom spent his Pansa at that mountain cave of Chongkae.Wat Chong Kae have only 2 bhikkhu spending the Pansa there but still don't have an Abbot.

Within the temple still don't have dwelling places and the vicinity of the temple was deserted.

Later,the village headman Klai Mee Sawas,Mrs Taeng Gwa Tang Suwan and Mrs Pheuag Ped Montree and yet more cannot be name went to invite LPhaw Phrom come down to spent the rain retreat behind which is Wat Chong Kae at the present.

LPhaw agree and become the first Abbot of Wat Chong Kae then villagers and land owners donated land increasingly and LPhaw started to build the temple from a deserted temple to a temple with various dwelling places.

In 1917 BE2460 started to build kuti,kitchen and Buddhist Study Hall which a portion of money came from selling heritage property of LPhaw himself.

Together with donation of Chong Kae villagers then started to build Uposatha hall which must use budget.

The temple board of committee then started to request permission from LPhaw to build amulets.

LPhaw Like To Distibute Gift Not Accumulate

When LPhaw still alive LPhaw have only give not used to accumulate.The affair of LPhaw distributing gift became single characteristic together with distributing amulets such as,Pha Kao Ma,small size photo,Rian Lok Nad Lek 1972 BE2515 and Somdej Trayang 1972 BE2515 which LPhaw finished distributing all until nothing left.

This is where the rumour of Rian Jaek Tahn and Pha Kao Ma Jaek Tahn initially come from which is the original piece of rumour about Rian Jaek Tahn with many Ajahns in the present era.

LPhaw Like Rakang

Many batches of amulet of LPhaw have image of rakang no matter it is rian or powder based will have image of LPhaw sitting inside the rakang until it look like auspicious object of a bell which is the single and personal characteristic of LPhaw Phrom.

When the time LPhaw went for tudong in Myanmar LPhaw went to pay homage to Phra Jedi Chart Way Da Gorng LPhaw saw a large rakang with round characteristic similar to the rice bowl and can circumambulate youself.

LPhaw put it in his heart when returned to stay at wat Chong Kae LPhaw then think of building the rakang.

Following the Myanmar style which comprises of stone,brass,various kind of metal and managed to buy more brass then mould the image following using bee weight 1 Baht and gold weight 8 Baht.

When the artisan poured down the gold into the mould it appeared that the gold can't reached the ear of the rakang and so the rakang didn't formed.

After many fruitless attempt which bear no result LPhaw give up his intention.

Later,in 1973 BE2516 the committee chairman developed Wat Chong Kae requested permission from LPhaw to use the gold which was used to cast the rakang but cannot be formed to build amulets.

The amulets was lead to enter Pitee Pleuk Sek Sao Ha 1973 BE2516.

Later these amulets with Neua Tong Rakang gain high popularity in the amulet circle.

Passing Away

LPhaw did not move to stay in other temple again when LPhaw had already became the Abbot of Wat Chong Kae and spending the Pansa there throught out 58 years.

LPhaw left the post of Abbot in 1971 BE2514 after being the Abbot of Wat Chong Kae for 54years(1917 BE2460--1971 BE2514) in order to let Phra Palad Baeng Tommawaro to be the appointed Abbot.

Throughtout the time LPhaw spent the Pansa at Wat Chong Kae LPhaw established benefit like supporting the religion and taking care of the Sick.

LPhaw is the chairman to the Sangha in term of constructing various dwelling places within the temple and supported the school of Wat Chong Kae which is established in the temple.

LPhaw Phrom Thawaro passed away in 30 Jan 1975 BE2518 at the time 1500 hours in hospital Bahn Mhi Changwat Lophburi with 91 years of age and 71 Pansa.

Passed Away Already Corpse Undecomposed

Thereafter LPhaw Phrom already passed away the temple board of committee placed the corpse of LPhaw into the glass coffin at the top of the Buddhist Study Hall.

The corspe of LPhaw was undecomposed the ant,lice,moth and insects did not annoy and harm not even a bit as if LPhaw is just taking a nap

In spite of LPhaw already passed away for 32 years from now 2007 BE2550.

Mysterious miracle that occurred above all ordinary people which is:
1)Hair line grow 5-6 mm long
2)Eyebrow line grow 5-6mm long
3)Eyelash line grow 1cm long
4)Mustache grow 5-6 mm long
5)Beard under the chin grow 5-6 mm long
6)Finger nail grow 1 cm long
7)Toe nail grow 4-5 mm long

Every item which is declared the condition might still be the same as usual but just wanted to let the reader testify themselves at Wat Chong Kae.

To Heal The Sick--Boiling Herbs

LPhaw had knowledge about herbs when the villagers have various pain and diseases will come and looked for LPhaw to cure them.

LPhaw will let them drink the herbal remedy together with casting a Gatha and supervising them as well.

It began to have news and rumour was spread about herbal remedy of LPhaw Phrom can cure diseases to a great extent until people in large amount throughout every direction flow forth with no limit to look for LPhaw to cure diseases.

It was then occurred as traditional festival which is called,"Herbs Boiling Festival" corresponding with merit making birthday ceremony of LPhaw.

In the old days,when LPhaw is still alive LPhaw will fix the date for the ceremony between the end of the month in March until begining of April.

The day will be up to LPhaw to fix but if any year corresponding with Sao Ha day in May will take this opportunity to manage the ceremony on that day.

LPhaw Phrom assigned the temple board of committee to search for the herbs from 2 herbs places together which is:

1)Behind of Wat Phra Geow.Changwat Phra Nakhon Syee Ayutthaya a kind of herb which is called,"Ting Tang".It exist at the top of the termite hill each time a big sack.
2)In the vicinity of Khao Kard Ampher Ta Dtak Goh Changwat Nakhon Sawan.The herb called,"Gra Don Din".It exist in the paddy field and thatch grass field.There is still other herbs called,"Teen Tao"and "Pla Lhai Pheuang"exist above the zone of Wat Nong Luang Ampher Ta Dtak Goh.

When boiling the herbs LPhaw will use 3 bricks from the Mon tribe(South Myanmar)and Long Yant with 4 Dhatu or 4 elements then use earthen pots to fill in the herbs which must use many pots to boil.

Thereafter midnight LPhaw will sit samadhi and addhithancit or make a wish and spread loving kindness down into the pots of herbs following LPhaw will sit at the Buddhist Study Hall above.

When the time arrived at 5.09 o'clock LPhaw will descend to addhithancit at the place where the herbs is still boiling.

The efficiency of the herbal remedy can be used to treat various and all sort of diseases following using method to addhithancit.

Apart from this the herbal solution of LPhaw is used to bath and shampoo for 7 days until gaining the effect of Kong Grapan or weapons proof with outstanding skin.

Presently,the temple of Wat Chong Kae fixed the herbs boiling festival or the ceremony similar to LPhaw Phrom birthday corresponding with 5th of May every years.

The festival still followed the example of LPhaw which is as potent as usual.

LPhaw Luminous Mouth

LPhaw Phrom usually is a monk of few words mostly like to listen to what people said.His Holiness will talk especially anything that benefit.

This is observed in group of disciples also if His Holiness talked about anything concerning the future it will certainly come true.

Thus there is alot of news and rumour that LPhaw Phrom mouth is luminous which there is many cases and enough example concerning this:

Case 1:Mrs Gliew Pan Tang Suwan was selling rice broth at the Chong Kae railway station and came often to make merit at the temple and prepare food to offer LPhaw until became intimate with LPhaw is a good example.

One day,LPhaw talked to himself saying,"Eg,Gliew you are going to be a multi millionairess soon."

Mrs Gliew Pan replied LPhaw saying,"How is it possible LPhaw barely a millionairess is enough."

LPhaw Phrom His Holiness thus said,"Eer,barely a millionairess so millionairess."

Later,Mrs Gliew Pan business prospers until she became really rich enough to be a millionairess!

She donated and given alot of benefit to Wat Chong Kae and a hall was built in her name,"Gliew Pan Tang Suwan"at Wat Chong Kae to serve as a commemorate.

Case 2:There is a temple committee like to misappropriate temple item as his own until someone complain to LPhaw.

LPhaw thus said,"If he dare to eat the money of the temple he will die of a burst stomach very soon."

Later,not very long this rogue cheat became sick and die of dropsy belly just like what LPhaw said.

Case 3:Thereafter,there is people offered Phakao Mah to let LPhaw Phrom consecrate and distributed as a gift.

There are people after using it gain good experiences until rumour spread which became the reason for the increasing amount of people gaining faith in Phakao Mah of Wat Chongkae.

Due to the little limited amount of Phakao Mah LPhaw consecrated it happened that someone make use of it for the wrong purpose with the wrong intention.

It happened that there was a monk went to buy an identical Phakao Mah from the market which LPhaw did not consecrate and stamped it with the temple seal then sell to people who requested to buy.

LPhaw came to know about it when he was exposed and LPhaw was called to go and inquire that monk who thus confessed.

LPhaw thus said," This monk whether or not,will insane."

Later,that monk really became insane and ran wildly out from the temple since then,nobody know where he went.

The affair which was narrated is enough to be an example no matter how analyze it and read the subject of Khun P.Bang Po to consider.

LPhaw Phrom Wat Chongkae His Holiness Had Sacred Effectual Oral Is It TRUE???(Khun P.Bang Po)

LPhaw His Holiness whoever he REMARKED will happened as what His Holiness remarked.
LPhaw His Holiness whoever he SCOLDED will happened as His Holiness scolded.
LPhaw His holiness whoever he CURSED will happened as His Holiness cursed.

There is many continuing remarks relating to LPhaw which LPhaw don't have the opportunity to refute or to point out clearly(His Holiness might not think of refute or point out clearly for it is a of waste time).

I am the disciple who respect LPhaw alot whenever I heard of these remarks I just can't stand it and wanted to explain clearly replacing every time until this time I came across the person who complied this book.

I requested permission to write for the people who respect LPhaw so they can understand concerning the affair that LPhaw had remarked mostly will happened as what LPhaw had remarked every time.

Doctor Somsuk Kong Urai who is an intimate disciple of LPhaw narrated thus:

One day,I had the opportunity to chat with LPhaw privately.I took this opportunity to ask LPhaw.

"LPhaw Your Holiness whoever LPhaw remarked will happened as what LPhaw remarked like this is similar with LPhaw cursing him Your Holiness,Sir!"

LPhaw is a monk must sin too,Sir!"

LPhaw laughed heartily when His Holiness heard this as LPhaw was very pleased and speak every words very clearly.

" Is monk able to curse people or not? Have only blessing to give."

LPhaw said that is because His Holiness have the intuitive power to know the affair in advance and high in loving kindness.

LPhaw will give warning in advance so to open opportunity for those that His Holiness remarked to let them find a way to solve it so to reduce retribution.

I hereby request to raise an example in way to solve and reduce retribution which really happened about 1972 BE 2515.

One day,Ah Chan(The person who stamped the code rakang Phra Poop Muen Phim Gon Rakang)brought the amulets that the boss entrusted for LPhaw to consecrate.

LPhaw was not in a good mood and thus speak aloud to Ah Chan

" You are really annoying! You will be insane!"

It make Ah Chan very uncomfortable because he is afraid to be insane following exactly what LPhaw said.

So he went to consult Doctor Somsuk Kong Urai who LPhaw love and give him special loving kindess.

It can be seen that LPhaw will consecrate amulets specially for him and many batches as well and merely 1 batch will consecrate for many rounds.

Thus,the amulets which Doctor Somsuk build became popular and have alot of experiences.

Doctor Somsuk told Ah Chan saying,"Ah Chan go make 2 can of Ovaltine and offer to LPhaw".

Then Doctor Somsuk bring Ah Chan along and offered ovaltine to LPhaw following let Ah Chan take Ovaltine filled up the glass and offered to LPhaw.Another can divide among the cat and dog which LPhaw raise.

When LPhaw already drank the ovaltine Doctor Somsuk then begin to take this chance to speak.

"LPhaw Your Holiness,this brother(pointing to Ah Chan) is a good man Your Holiness,he is not insane, Your Holiness!"

Speaking aloud until LPhaw said," Eer,he is a good man,not insane."

That much affirmation is enough to make Ah Chan feel like he lift his suffering out of his chest walking comfortably with a smiling face.

He requested Doctor Somsuk Kong Urai who has wisdom and is intelligent to request the parami of LPhaw to help to cut down retribution of Ah Chan.

Doctor Somsuk also used psychology on Ah Chan to stop him from being gloomy and not to go on thinking so much.

Arriving here,reader might understand LPhaw did not curse and scolded anybody.

Only His Holiness know the affair in advance so to warn and let them know.When they know they can find a way to solve it changing anything from bad to good.(Khun P.Bang Po)

LPhaw Walk Above The Surface Of The Water

Phra Bhikksu Saman Gittiwuto presently spend his Pansa at Wat Chong Kae narrated to the writer about LPhaw walking above the surface of the water.

This event is still not yet published in any book so the writer requested to take a picture of Phra Bhikksu Saman who is the narrator of this event to be place as proof.Phra Bhikksu Saman narrated thus:

In 1953 BE2496 Phra Bhikksu Saman is a boy serving in he the temple and also the temple disciple.After returned from school in the evening he persuaded his friend 4 to 5 of them who is also the temple disciple to play at the vicinity of the temple yard nearby with a big pond within the vicinity of the temple.

It is said that since beginning the pond is very deep and wide.His Venerable narrated the deepness is the length of one bamboo tree reader can imaging how deep it is.

One day,LPhaw Phrom walked pass a group of children who are playing at the pond so to have a swim as usual.

On that day LPhaw bring his sabong or under cloth together with a water bowl for taking a bath.LPhaw then go down to the pier which is make up of one plank board standing at the pond following laid out the under cloth on the rim of the pond and put the water bowl on the plank board.

That day the wind was blowing very strong and just a little while it blowed away the water bowl and it dropped into the pond.It floated further out aimlessly to the the middle of the pond and whirled there not going anywhere again.

LPhaw then called the children who are already playing together there saying,"Go fetch the water bowl to me."

All but only the boys who cannot swim well jumped into the pond and swam to get the water bowl for LPhaw but the water bowl floated far away until the boys can't reached it.

The boy Saman and his friend who remained behind help out and find a piece of wood to poke the water bowl but the pond is just too wide no matter how they do still cannot reached it.

LPhaw stand there hugging his chest looking and saw the children cannot reached the water bowl so LPhaw said," Let go,I will go take it myself! "

The children then get out of the pond to snatch their trousers from where they removed and walked away just a few step and turned back to have a look at LPhaw thinking if LPhaw don't have the water bowl how is His Holiness going to take a bath?

Only turned to see LPhaw walked with sound,"Jorm Jorm"above the surface of the water to pick up the water bowl at the middle of the pond then walked back to the pier as usual making all the children very astonished.

Phra Bhikksu Saman narrated this event whoever heard it may not believe it because that time His Venerable is still a kid.Whether reader believe it or not it is up to you and you can also get a full enquire with Phra Bhikksu Saman who is still spending his Pansa at Wat Chong Kae.His hut is askew the new bell Tower.

Khon-Fresh Thai Masked Play......Favourite Of LPhaw

LPhaw Phrom strongly doted fresh Thai masked play as his own life and heart also taught the masked play himself.

There are 2 teachers who are brothers they are Khru Plai and Khru Yeuan Pho Mhuay asisting in teaching too.

LPhaw have alot of Khon disciples if gathering all resonant together can compose a famous song they are LPhaw disciple as well.

In training Khon of LPhaw it is done very seriously strict which must have a stick to beat the group who dance wrongly or jump not correctly too.

Thus there fresh Khon is still inherited which LPhaw group of disciples passed down until today.

In the event similar with birthday and passing away of LPhaw.LPhaw group of disciples will come and play fresh Khon to offer continuously every years without fail.

People who have faith and respect LPhaw preferred to pay homage to the corpse of LPhaw which is place above the hall.

They will usually make a wish in thing that they hope together with making a vow whether to bring fresh Khon to dance or not.They will still bring various head images of Khon to offer which majority will often gain blessing accordingly to one wish.

Consecrating Auspicious Objects

LPhaw Phrom have consecration method not similar with other which LPhaw mostly will consecrate after midnight following taking various amulets to put inside the alm bowl.

If there is any victory candle LPhaw will light up the victory candle and drip candle drops down into the mantra waterbowl then will take the victory candle circulating the amulets 9 times.

After that taking powder of soft chalk to anoint the amulets and taking the hand of people to circulate following LPhaw with opened eyes concentrate to charge psychic power.

Later,taking Nam Phra Puttha Mon that is Buddha Mantra water to sprinkle on all amulets.

LPhaw will hold the vessel to put in amulets and concentrate to charge pyshic power once again until seeing those amulets emitted rays of light.

Then take Phra Puttha Mon water to sprinkle on the amulets once again the ceremony is thus completed.

We can observe powder based amulets of LPhaw many batches will have cracking traces some big and some small because occurred from LPhaw taking hand of that person himself.

Thus amulets which have cracking traces come since beginning which can be presume that the amulets come in contact with hand of LPhaw for sure.

(Translated from the,"Complete Book Which Assemble The Biography With Auspicious Objects Of Luang Phaw Phrom Wat Chong Kae).