Thursday, May 17, 2012

LP Daeng Wat Kao Bandai-it Petchburi

PhraKru Yanwilas or LP Daeng of Wat Kao Bandai-it
( B.E. 2421-2517)

LP Daeng, Wat Kao Bandai-it, Petchburi

LP Daeng's formal monkhood name is " PhraKru Yanwilas" but people popularly call him " Luang Phor Daeng". LP Daeng ordained the monkhood in B.E.2441 and was a close disciple of LP Plian, the then Abbot of Wat Kao Ban Dai-it. After LP Plian passed away in B.E.2461, LP Daeng was learning Dhamma and magical khowledge with LP Chui of Wat Kongkaram, the greatest Guru of PetchBuri province.
In WWII, LP Daeng created and presented his PhaYants (magic clothes) and Takruts to Soldiers and people. When the Japanese troop landing in PraChuabKiriKhan Province which borders with Petchburi, a small group of soldiers and patriotic people fighted fearlessly. They were brave and unharmed due to LP Daeng's amulets.

LP Daeng's 1st batch medals, Takruts and other amulets weared by soldiers also declared their great efficacies on safty protection in Vietnam War. And around 30 years ago, the LP's fame was  jumped over the seas to Hong Kong. Many Hong Konger film stars and celebrities including a lot of people popularly weared LP Daeng medals.

LP Daeng passed away in B.E.2517 at the age of 96 with 75 years of his monkhood.

LP Daeng's Amuletic Miracles

The amulets help save many lives from road accidents. I received an impressive knowledge from corpse pickers that in the long years up until now they found no LP Daeng' Somdej wearers died on the road by car accidents.
Another intereting story was an exciting event happened to a police parachutist of Narasuan camp at Hua Hin, PrachuabKirikhan Province, who jumped from a plane, his main and reserved parachutes were misfunctioned. He rapidly dived from the sky but the unexpectedly miraculous wind blew him far away, then he splashed down in the swamp. He wore only a LP Daeng's Somdej.

Apart from that Petchburi in the past few decades was the bloodshed city, they used guns to judge conflicts. Many were gunned down by orders from the big bosses. LP Daeng Somdej and his B.E.2503 first Batch medal miraculously performed like bullet-proved jacket, the bullet could not get through flesh and bone. Many events and news widely spreaded out and went high up the sky rushing to Hong Kong. Hong Konger amulet enthusiasts and collectors fullheartedly paid a huge sum of money in exchange for LP Daeng's Somdej and medal. Many of movie giant Shaw's men stars at that time wore LP Daeng amulets on their necks.

Has this amulet Metta and Fortune properties ?
The answer is yes because the amulet texture was composed of  Metta & Fortune powder from the top great amulets: ground broken amulets of  Somedej Wat Rakang, Somdej BangKhun- Phrom. Wat Sampluen, Wat Indraviharn, Wat Ngern Klongtoey, etc. And LP Daeng blessed the amulets covering all properties.

About 30 years of  LP Daeng's Somdej thrilling experiences have proved their top efficacies on Klaew Klaad (free from all harms) and Kong KraphanChatri (invincibility). But please be careful, so many fakes in amulet markets both in Thailand and its neighboring countries--Malaysia and Singapore. Bring out the amulet from your neck and compare to those original authentic items here on the webpage, you will find the answer of Fake or Real by yourself.