Friday, April 22, 2016

Lp Eaum wat SuanPa TalingChan Phatthalung, Rian 1st Batch Nawak Teemsuth Special Mixture More Silver And Gold Material, BE.2556

Nawak Teemsuth Special Mixture with more Silver and Gold Material Was Created Only 8 pcs, from number 101 to 108. (From all Nawak Teemsuth was Created 108 pcs)
This pcs is number 106

The color of this 8 pcs Special Nawak Teemsuth is Red and Shining, and at the surface also seen a mixture of silver...
Totally different with normal rian nawak teemsuth with dark blue color.

Rian nawak material LP eaum is more expensive than silver. Due to the cost of material used to make, which uses Real Nawak material that consist of
1. Pure Gold
2. Many geji ahjan side rian leftover material.
3. Chao Nam Ngern (super special material) by ahjan singern wat donsala. Kring chow nam ahjan singern now cost thb100,000 and above due to the powerful material.
4. Many leftover geji takruts
5. Pure nawak material.

***(SOLD OUT)***